In reckless disregard of the advice in Proverbs 17:28, “even a fool is thought wise if he keeps his lips sealed,” I offer a wide range of writings on various topics in the Jewish tradition here.
A prophetic shift (A Yom Kippur d’var haftarah on Isaiah 58)
Hannah’s decision (A Rosh HaShanah d’var Haftarah on Samuel 1)
Why does God test the righteous? (A Rosh HaShanah d’var torah on the Akedah)
The inversion of God’s will in the Balaam story (a d’var torah on Balak)
Did Yehuda HaNasi get the wrong idea when he wrote the Mishnah?
Fearing God as a response to fear: Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2015
Saving the Earth to save our children: Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2016
Exacerbating climate change: Why do people pursue evil policies?
Collective versus personal action in the Jewish Bible: Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2017
Working together: Will a single plan ameliorate climate disruption? Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2018
Tshuvah is an answer: Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2019
Fear God, Love the Earth: Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2020
Where Heaven Is Here: Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2021
How do we hear the silent sound of the Earth?: Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2022
Priestly atonement and cleansing the environment: Meditation (Earth Etude) for Elul, 2023
Why the blood libel has been an effective anti-Semitic weapon for centuries
The Hanukkah dilemma and the reflection of doctrine in secular life
What’s the big deal about Christ?—A Jew takes a closer look at Christianity
The meaning of Palm Sunday and the mysterious origins of Hosanna